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  • Screenshot 2022-03-03 at 16.28.27.png

    Testimonial 1

    Over the past two years, the IABS has helped me way beyond my needs and their kindness is a debt that can never be repaid by me. The IABS changed the course of my life in so many ways. Thank you with all my heart I have so many things to tell you of what you have helped me accomplish but it can wait until we next meet.

    I feel very sad signing off on this email. I know we will meet and that IABS will always be there for me. A fact I will always be indebted to you for, but this is closure of a chapter in my life that I could only see a very bleak future. IABS changed all that for me.

  • Screenshot 2022-03-03 at 16.28.27.png

    Testimonial 2

    At the height of the boom I can remember being at the RIAI conference dinner in Venice, and as the collection buckets were passed around on behalf of the Irish Architects Benevolent Society, it never occurred to me that I myself would someday be in need of assistance from them..

    If you have ever experienced a life changing event, you will fully appreciate the meaning of the phrase. When my life, and that of my dependents, was forever altered by a life changing event, the help the IABS subsequently provided was been lifesaving, and has continued to help me navigate my way through. The help they gave me has not just been financial support but also moral support.

    The Irish Architects Benevolent Society describes itself as providing assistance to everyone in the architectural community. And that’s how it felt to me – they extended friendship, support and genuine concern for me and my family.

    The financial support has made it possible for me to pay for childcare so that I can continue to work as an architect, and it is my hope to one day repay this assistance, and to support someone else in need.

    The moral support has made it possible for me to keep my head above water during some extremely difficult times.

    I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to the IABS, and all of you who support it by contributing funds, and to the IABS directors who so generously and faithfully run the IABS.

    Thank you.

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    Testimonial 3

    Almost exactly one year ago, I was diagnosed with advanced-stage cancer. I had just moved back to Ireland with my wife to settle down and set up our home for the future. We were devastated. I was just two months into a new job and my wife was still job-hunting. Because I had just returned to Ireland I did not have enough tax credits to receive illness benefit.

    Not knowing where to turn, my first port of call was to the RIAI – I knew I would have to stop work but did not want to lose my registration. I explained my situation and within 24 hours, received a phone call from the IABS offering support. I met with two of the IABS directors and straight away they rowed in to help. To be honest, we would not have got through that first Christmas in Ireland – either financially or emotionally – without the support they gave.

    Their help was exactly what we needed – they provided monthly financial support while I underwent gruelling chemotherapy treatment, followed by surgery, and then reduced the payments as I gradually returned to work. But it wasn’t just about the money – my caseworkers were there for me every step of the way. I felt they really cared. That meant a lot. They kept saying to me “you just work at getting better, we will take care of the bills”. And they did.

    I am very glad to say that I am now cancer-free and back working full time. I will never forget the support the IABS gave and hope to pay them back some day.